Dave is selling his Roland Juno-106. Classic 1980's Analogue Synthesiser. This is what he has to say about this fantastic instrument; This has been in my collection since I bought it in 1985 - released in 1984, it's one of Roland's best analogue/digitally controlled synths. It's got an absolutely stunning range of sound variations - which never, ever fail to produce the goods. From the most funky bass lines and wah-type chords, through dream-like and epic pads, brilliant attacking or mellow strings, weird, very weird sound FX and that's just the start. This is a versatile, pro keyboard that sounds better as time goes on. 'The Juno-106 is one of the most loved and used synthesizers by professionals and hobbyists alike! William Ørbit, Überzone, Norman Cook (Fatboy Slim), Autechre, BT, Vince Clarke, Moby, 808 State, Underworld, Leftfield, Fluke, Josh Wink, Todd Terry, Depeche Mode, Eat Static, Biosphere, The Prodigy, The Shamen, Bushflange, Ci
Fans of Howard Devoto and Buzzcocks, Magazine, Luxuria, welcome. I've been a fan of Howard's work and that of his bandmates who inspired me to become a concert photographer and set up www.shotfrombothsides.co.uk and my love of punk/post punk. No money is made from this blog nor is it linked officially to Howard or any of the related bands or individual members. This is just one man's obsession in blog form, nothing more. If you don't like any of it. Well, that's your loss, not mine.