Hope you all had a great Christmas and looking forward to another year. My Fiance Cheryl bought me this fabulous Magazine 'Shot by both Sides' clock as part of my Christmas Pressie's and which we'd seen for sale on one of the stalls at the Manchester Markets pre-Christmas. It will now take pride of place in my office in the new year.
Fans of Howard Devoto and Buzzcocks, Magazine, Luxuria, welcome. I've been a fan of Howard's work and that of his bandmates who inspired me to become a concert photographer and set up www.shotfrombothsides.co.uk and my love of punk/post punk. No money is made from this blog nor is it linked officially to Howard or any of the related bands or individual members. This is just one man's obsession in blog form, nothing more. If you don't like any of it. Well, that's your loss, not mine.